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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Contest of BRAND's High Achiever Award 2009

Before PMR examination,Kasturi was held 1 seminar to all PMR candidates that will sit for their exam..Brands is a product thats good for our brain..Kan kan ? ak mane tau sgt..Buka je pntp,terus telan ~

On the day when Seminar was held..Kasturi's stuff gave me the file..Inside that file,got booklet la and all lah en..Then,i was shocked when i saw there are a Brands stuff..Wow wow ! Brands wei brands ! brands datang Kasturi..Hati mula dup dap dup dap.. * Hahaha,tah pape la ayt aku ni *
Brands gave me timetable , contest's form , notebook and bookmark..Ni je ke ? aku rasa ade lagi..Tapi lupa dah..Haaa,forget it ! Then,they gave the product for free..Awww ! Thanks Brands..Brands is too expensive u know ? How come i can buy it in frequently ? Plus,taste dia kureng sikit.Mean,x sedap la ! Bangang ~
Arituh,borang tuh hilang..Tah mane ak campak..Mmg gelabah habis r..Carik sini,carik sana..X jmp..Then,ak give-up..Malas msk peraduan..
tah mcm mana,hati tergerak nk kemas file ak..File ak bersepah..Ada2 je kertas yg ak sumbat.PMR kan dah habis,so buang je la kertas2 periksa tuh..Haha,lepas ni kan nak focus SPM lak..Fuyohh,dah besar ?

Yeahh bebeh,Im lucky ! I found my form inside my file..Haha,x tepiki lak ak,ak cmpk kt file tuh..Immediately lah ak isi borang tuh..Takut lambat la pulak..Again,im lucky..Peraduan tu ttp 30 Oct.Now,its already 23 oct gituh.
Sumpah ak ckp r weii,time nak tulis tuh..Tangan ak menggeletar..Tau sbb apa ? Sbb dah lama x pgg pen..Haha,tula..Ak ni asyik dgn komp ni,mana x menggeltar ? Dpt komp,bkn main lincah tgn ak nih..hehe =()
As a conclusion,i have joined this contest..To my members who joined the Seminar ; Hafiz & Iqmal.Have u post this form ?

The Form
Bwh pntp tu kan ade ukur lilit je..So,kalo guna glue cecair,x kan lekat r..Cuba pikir,camne ak lekatkan penutup botol tuh ? Soalan nih ~

Bkn lah nak menunjuk yg ak ni pgws..Tp ak dah malas nk simpan gmb pgws passport ak..
Takkan lah nak buang je kan ?

Must enclose 4 cap as a evidence

If i win this contest,im gonna pose like them..Haha =)
See me in poster ..Pepps~

The letter


Stay Alert . Stay Ahead .

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Deleting friends at YM .

Add sana add sini,Ha ! Amik kau..Friends dah mencecah 200 lebih..Friends bkn main ramai..Bila on,bape ciput je yg chat dgn ak..Tak temasuk yg smbg ikut fon lagi..Haishh,menyemak je kan?

Ak still boleh igt kot..Friends ak tetibe bertambah start last year..Ad org invite ak conf..So,ak dgn selamba je g join lah..Pastu yang join conf tu bkn lah sekor dua ekot..Confirm r ramai..

So,dia org r add aku..Dah add bkn nak chat pon..Cilaka toii ! Yg girls mahupun boys..Dah r display pic tu macam bodoh je..Dok tayang rambut,igt lawa ke ? Aurat beb ~ Jaga la...

Now,ak maleh r join conf yg ak x kenaii.Buang masa je..

Aku pon decide nk delete friends..Akhirnya,terlaksana juga..Macam biasalah,ak akn del for these category ;

1-x pernah chat lgsg..chat pon sbb terpaksa
2-display pic mcm cibaii.Tunjuk aurat sana sini
3-mereka yg cuba nak hasut nafsu aku..hehe =)
4-mmg x kenal lah
5- ha,yg ke-5 ape ek? hahaha,

I will del from these categories...

Friends ak sblm ni tggl 260,tggl lah 184..Banyak en 260 tu ? Tapi tgk r bape ramai yg chat dgn ak..Boleh kira..Yg kerap pon diaaa je ~ (sape dia tu?) Elok2 ade '2' angka tu..Tggl lah 1..haishh,bikin ak angin je..

Tu pon ak confuse,nak del ke x ? nak del ke x? kalau del,kesian pulak..Haha,kalo x del..Menyemak je =) Dah la,ak kan baik..So,ak ignore je..

Yg tggl 184 tu,lets enjoy with YM..Jgn smpi aku del kau pulak...

nampak x 184 ? Tgk,17 org je yg on..x tolak yg smbg ikut fon =(
Dlm Top 10 tu,Ahmad Farith sorang je on..Yang lain g mane ? Haha,x malu tol add diri sendiri =0

Friday, October 16, 2009

Blog aku sudah berwajah baru !

*Bajet hot la tu ? haha,rambut baru !*

Weyh,perasan x blog baru aku ni?Aisehmann,tepuk r sikit..Penat doh aku buat ni !Hehe,

Nk buat layout ni..Bkn senang auw,sikit punya susah..Mcm biasalah,kena belek dr A-Z..Tgk mane lawa..Pastu bandingkan,mane smart..Baru la pilihkan?

Time tu ade lebih kurang dlm 4,5 la layout la..Aku ni rambang mata..Rasa mcm semua nk bedal.Then,ak dpt idea,kita try satu2,tgk mane smart & match dgn ape ak nk modify nnti..

Bila dah try..Phewww ! Colour dah smart,design pon dah ok..Tapi cutting lak x lawa..Pastu try lg,design dah ok,cutting dah ok..Colour lak mcm budak budak..Pastu try lah lg,colour dah smart,cutting pon dah ok..Pastu kt ats tu ade burung..What the hell ? Kau igt aku ni ape?

Pastu,aku try lg..Sumpah bekenan gila..Cuba la try..Mmg masuk la dgn blog ak ni..Bila tgk kt ats,ade gmb pempuan..Wahh,asal la mangkuk sgt ? Kalo laki,Immediately ak akn pilih..Wohoo,agak kebangsatan la disitu..

Then,tuka lagi..Pastu semua dh smart..Cutting plak x lawa..Haha,ni la keje Pak Pandir :)

Finally,ni lah layout yg ak pilih..Agak kesmartan la jugak..Ni pon layout yg latest punya..Bkk je web tu,mmg dah tertera kt ats tuu.Habis la lepas ni kantoi amik kt situ..Hahaha,

InsyaAllah lak..Ni la layout ak smpi bebila..Kalu aku bekenan yg lain,aku tuka la..hehe,

Tapi leceh dohh.Bila install layout yg baru,semua link yg berada belah kiri ni akn hilang..Macam about me , followers,chat box..Dah ilang,kena install...Mmg senang install bnd ni..tapi mcm org bodoh je buat keje ni..

Ha,ni je la drpd aku..lepas ni ak nk modify lg lawa..Kalo aku dah maju,ak buat website ak sendiri..Terus dot com,x perlu dot blogspot lagi dah..haha,

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

PMR was over !

PMR berakhir sudah.Yeahh bebeh,im kinda freedom now..Lipatlah segala yg bertittle 'buku'..Tibalah masanya utk saya menggoyangkan kaki..But,dlm kebebasan tu..Ade gak yg 'hurt' gitu..Hehehe,

Sebenanye,ak bosan doh dgn kekosongan masa ni.x tau nk wt ape..Direct la ak ckp,bkn nk bangge mahupun riak..Hidup ak ni dah biasa dgn buku..Tak kisah r ape jenis buku..Aku tetap menelaah..Aku start ubah perangai ni baru je lagi.Penghujung tahun last year kot..Tapi buku yg berkaitan dgn pelajaran r..Jiwang2 tu..Novel yg tebalnye lebih kurang stgh jengkal..Minx maaf lah,aku x layan.Kalo lagu,aku layan...ehehe,

Eventough,if u see me always on the line..Its doesnt mean that im not study..Okey?Kekadang ak biar komp on,pastu aku blaja..Ada gak masa tu,aku biar komp on,pastu g tido..Bila bgn,tgk2,komp dah ttp..Fuhh,hebat ! *pdhl family ak yg tlg ttp kan*

Tak tau la weyh nk ckp apa..Mmg bosan gila babi ni..Tadi,Rabu,14 oct,aku x dtg skola..As usual lah,nk rehatkn body ak..Sblm ni,ak bgn je tido,mandi,makan pastu bkk buku terus..Skarang?tido ?baring2 kejap..Dok pikir result ak nnti.Pastu,amk tuala g mandi..Pastu nyanyi sikit dlm bilik * slow slow sudeyh,nnti family aku dgr..Lg malu *

Bilik aku,meja study..Tak usah cerita la,mmg dah tongkang pecah..Nasib akk aku yg ke-2 x blk..Kalo x,mmg ribut r..Niat di hati mmg nak kemas..Since one day after pmr finish..But its due that my fingertips of my leg is wound..So,i cant move agile..Ni pun adik aku dah bising suruh kemas..Tggu la,bagi luka ni sembuh dulu yerkk.ehehe,

InsyaAllah,ak akn cuba luangkan masa aku utk beribadat..Moga moga setan x kacau..Dan nafsu ak x membuak..AMIN~

About PMR,i will type another post..Aku cuak post ni jd pnjg lak.Aku kalo mengarang,mengalahkn karangan..

Here,i got some pics that i was taken from Tarsha's prop..And also Iliya..I was borrowed his cell fon just want to use camere..Thanks Iliya,really proud to be ur Friend,neighbour,classmate.Yeahh,what else?

My hall..In Hillcrest,we called it as Dewan Lama..Ak ddk belah knn skali,pastu dpn skali..Tepi tingkap..Yeahh,angka giliran pon K001

Antara pgws periksa yg HOT..Nasib x de amoi.Kalo x,confirm ak dah cair.Hehe,

The boy beside me is Iliya..Hehe,The short girl is Alia..Both of them are my friends.

" Heii,x nmpk ke yg sy tgh senyum ni ? "
" Buang masa je kalo ak senyum dlm keadaan mcm ni "

My sisters' desk.I use this desk to study.

Sy online disini la..Hehehe,
Komp yg sentiasa menemani ketika sy sunyi.


Air Yasin .

The busying bed..
This bed is my sister's one.
This bed is rarely use..
So,i likes to put my props on it.hehehe,
Suka semakkn buku ak kt situ.

The collection of question papers.

Saya ada Mykad la..Saya bkn Mat Indon !

The mask that gov gave me in everday..Now,i have about 6 mask..
Yg biru tuh,sumpah ckp ; Low class.
Pgg pon keras nk mampus..Rasa mcm plastik.
Selalunya mask lembut je kan?

The books that should be done..Honestly,ak dah bosan dgn math.Everyday ak buat math..Yg buku kaler biru tu..Alhamdulillah,1 buku dah siap..Bila topik graf of the function,ade je soalan lukis graf,aku tulis ; (do in graf paper).Hahaha,sumpah mls gila nk buat.Nk label 1 senggat plak tuh..
Yg kale merah,aku buat separuh,the rest..Blank.AKu cuma buat soalan locus dgn construct..ehehe,aku suka ! Tu pon bisik dgn cikgu Rohaiza ; cikgu,sy x siap lg buku cerdik ni.Ckg buat bodoh je la ek..Lg pon sy nk buat latih tubi time sy free nanti..hehehe,pastu cikgu rohaiza ckp ; OKK,awk un diam2 la..Jgn dok bising2 kat org lain.Baik kan ckg ni?kali ni lah aku hebohkan.Korang nk complain?lntk lah..PMR dah habis.Hahaha,
Yg buku kale kuning dgn hijau..Lg la aku x buat.Cuba la korang bygkn,soalan algebraic kn kena gunakan ruang byk sikit..They provided only a small space..Mcm mana aku nk buat ? buat pon dah x de semangat..How to solve this prob?Koyak jwpn blakang,salin bulat2..Pheww,selamat daripada kena cubit dgn cikgu Rohaiza..haha,

Ni la meja study ak yg sebena,..But rarely im not use it..
Coz its due that there is no light..
X elok blaja dlm keadaan gelap.
Besepah sikit,alaa.Nnti la aku kemas..
DH kemas,ak show kt sini..haha,

Buku latihan.Padahal x guna sgt pon..
Sbb kebanyakkn guna buku rujukan.Beli dari luar,buat latih tubi.

Buku latih tubi..aku beli kt Popular..
ada yg dah buat,ada yg x..hehehe,
x po,bole turun kt adik aku.

Buku teks yg dh diikat dan siap sedia utk di pulangkan =(
nk baca buku apa lagi lepas ni?

Ni la katil lelaki..Hahaha,
saje je nk buat besepah =)

This is what my classmate called as Toyol during exam..
But,im not bring it into exam hall..
Kalo kantoi,mampos ~

The chamber of secret..I put a lot of toyol here..
Act,its not toyol la..Kekadang time ak bosan blaja,ak bkk la nota ni.
Kalo bwk 1 buku,berak..Pastu kena belek 1-1.
-The end-

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The day before PMR !

If u know that tomorrow is ur death day,what u will do the day before ? If u know that a group of people want to attack u,what u will do ?

And of course,ur answer should be nervous,scared and anything that show u are in a critical condition..and whats ur prearation ?

This is what i feel now ! Chop chop,can u please check my countdown timer please..No need to open the another bar,just scroll down and see how many days leave..

Its blurr right ? No countdown timer..Mean,PMR is live now ! If u still want to count it..Better u count in minutes to make it longer...Hahaha,

Back to the main topic..Seriously,im too shaken ! I dont know whats my preparation..I just ask myself,if question ask me like this,what should i asnwer..Then,there is no idea ! Dont know how to answer..

If u see my previous result,its ok kan?ade la high sikit..Its due to the soalan bocor..My teachers gave me.Oh,novel kuar ni..Just direct.Classmate ak ape ag?balik umah,study r..Now,there is no soalan bocor anymore..

Puan Rohaiza told me,the question paper will send to all school with guard..And the question put in the locker..The head prefect MUST tear the question paper in front of the candidates..One of them must sign as prove that the question is open during exam.If no sign,mean the question already bocor..

Hei guys,im BG029K001..yes,001..the first person..Maybe i will sign..Hahaha,gonna be famous..Bengong ~

Today,my school has own programme that only for Form 3 student..It is arranging the hall,the position of us..yeahh,im sit in front..A bit shaken b'coz infront of head prefect..Ak pandang dia,dia pon pandang ak..Ya Rabbi,nk jawab pon menggigil..

I tought that i will sit beside the door..But,im lucky..I sit opposite to the door..yeahh,there is no distruption..I can focus 100%.If im bored,just see at outside lah..

Then,got speech from the Head of the organization ; S/U PMR,Guru SPBT,Guru Disiplin,GPK HEM,Pengetua..Its about the rule in hall & during exam..Its really bored ! Bontot ni mcm kena cucuk je..Hahaha, b'coz sun start to shine.

After that,the last AGENDA ; Program Mohon Restu..Ticer Fazlin was there ! Alahaii,lepas ni x boleh la belajar sama2 kan?hahahaha,boddoh ! (dengung sikit kt 'd' tu)

Ticer,maybe today is the last day i learn from u..Thanks very much ! I really like ur style..Like ur smile,like ur teaching skills..WOW ! I can focus while u teach than previous teacher..Hahaha,dh buat nasi minyak nnti..jangan lupa jemput saya ! nnti sy buat persembahan silat..Tau tau ! hehehe, *amboi menggatai*

Pastu,g Mid-Art..beli pensil satu kotak..Mahal tau,lagi pat posen,terus 10 hinggit..Then,balik.Terus online..Awl gak balik,dlm 12.20 sbb agenda td abis awl..hohohoh..

Alhamdulillah,ak dh siap dah kot..Pensil dh beli semua,pen dah cukup.pemadam ak beli 3 auw.Luaran dh prepare,dalaman mcm mana pulak?hahaha,

Ok la,nothing to say..Wish me luck in my PMR.Wish i can score 8A in my PMR..If i make a mistake with u ,i really sorry k ! Doakan kejayaan aku..Kalau malas sgt,baca ni ;

Al-Fatihah ; 1x
Qul huallah uahad ; 3x
Al-fallaq & An-nas ; 1x

I think,its good enough..Sbb korang baca tuh seakan-akan doa auw..Korang mcm suruh tuhan buka hati..Dlm dewan nnti,ak rasa mmg x cukup masa utk berdoa..Yg cukup pon masa first sblm kertas dimulakan.Pastu lepas mula,dh xde masa..kalau baca,masa mcm x cukup..

Korang tolong2 la ek..Boleh dikatan setiap hari periksa sampai petang..Cuma 2 hari je smpi kol 11 cenggitu..X ke penat tu?evertime perah otak..

X pe,bak kata org,nak g perang kannn.Kena la bermati-matian...Jom kita Jihad ! " Allah hu akbar ! "
Anyway, Selamat Menduduki PMR ! For those are pmr candidates..Do ur best !

" Ni la kelas ak..Its not bad kan?Tgk la skarang,mcm tongkah pecah ! "

P/s ; See my grammar..Berterabur kan?Ha,ni la PMR candidates !hahaha,

Monday, October 5, 2009

Kedai Buku Sekolah yang hampeh !

Tah la,dh lama gak aku x puas ati dgn Kedai Buku sekolah aku ni..Dah la rude gila babi..Time nk beli buku for the next year,bkn main baik lagi..Dpn mak la katekan..Bila student dtg,haishhh..layan mcm hamba..

Da la pemalas ! Time keje,g tido..ha amik kau,belajar malas lagi..

Td,ak dgn classmate ak g fotostat..Bahan nk fotostat tu ade 5 set..Tp set tu ade lopong2..kalo first page,half drpd tu je bercetak,yg lg half kosong..Mcm tugak dgn seterusnya..kalau ak fotostat 5 set,bape inggit aku rugi ? bape paper ak bazirkan..Sedangkn page tu ak boleh forward ke dpn..

Pastu,akk un tny la nk fotosat apa..Aku pon jwb ; semua,2 set..then,faiz bisik aku..Dia pon nak..Aku ckp la ; kak,tmbh lg 1..Jd 3 set..Then dia marah2 ak ; ha,ckp elok2 la.

What the hell la babi..time tu,dia baru belek2..Fotostat pon belum lagi..Does it a matter ? lain la kalo bahan tu sudah bercetak..

Kalau nk tegur,tegur cara baik ; Ok,lenkali ckp awl2.Nasib akk x fotostat lg..Ha,kalo ayt tu..Ak masih boleh terima r..

Pastu first paper kuar tu kelabu tau,aku un tny ; Kak,dakwat habis ke?Tau x dia jwb apa? ; ha,kau la yg bg kertas ni blurr..Siot ! Kalau buat kt Mid-Art,its doesnt a matter..Siap terang auw dia buat..

Mmg ketara perbezaan dia,x caya?ak boleh tunjuk..Tp mls nk tunjuk kt sini..

Disebabkn kesombongan dia tu,ak un mengundur kan diri ; kak,cukup la set ke 2 ..Yg lain x payah..HUH?!

walaupun 2 set,dia caj 5.10..Mmg bodoh gila la..

Dah tau dia kerja kedai buku,cuba lah belajar,mcm mana nk tarik pelanggan..Mcm Mid-Art..Dia fotostat skali je,dia boleh keluar bape set yg kita nak..Set je kt machine tu..Tp kenapa kedai buku ni x follow?kena tkn 1,1 kuar..Pastu tkn lagi,next paper kuar..

Haishhh ! x bengang ke ? Naik je kelas,ak dh maki dh akak tuu.

Dah la,tu je kot..Malas nk eleborate lg..Part buku,kalo machine rosak..Apa yg dia buat..Mmg org bodoh yg buat..Ada akal,x mau pikiak..

Sumpah ak ckp,lepas ni ak akan berurusan dgn Koperasi Sekolah..Tak kisah la khidmat dia mcm mana,tp dia memuaskan kehendak aku..Even,kalo dtg Koperasi,boleh menggedik sikit dgn adik Koperator tu..Hehhehe,

Eventough,cikgu Wong as a manager Koperasi un take care..Kalo msk kelas,dia bkk pensil case student..Dia tgk pen,dia tgk harga..Pastu dia bandingkn dgn Koperasi dia..Sape mahal,sape murah..Nmpk x kesungguhan dia ?

kalo mahal,mungkin dia akan turunkan harga..Plus,keuntungan koperasi akan di masukkan dlm akaun sekola..Kalo sekolah kaya,advantages kt kita jugak..

Drpd sekolah tu,untung dpt kt syarikat tuh..Ade kita dpt untung?x de kan?