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Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Trial has over !

Yeahh bebeh,my Trial has over yesterday..Im freeking happy u know?This is my second time taking a trial paper..HUH?! In this exam,im a little bit mean..hahaha,i change the position of my class-mates..because i got complain from teacher(s) that a few student(s) are copying the answer from friend..So that,Pn Rohaiza as a boss of from 3 asked me to change the position..

but still got pupil copying the asnwer each other..adoii,lantak r..Janji aku dah asingkan golongan yg meniru tu..Kalau ckg tgk pon,x syak sgt sbb yg meniru semua dah asingkan.So,rasa selamat sikit r..Hahaha,tp still ade org tiru..Aku la tu,sape ag?Hahaha,lantak r..tlg kawan la katekan?Yela,trial tu!!PMR nak tiru ke x aku x kisah..Sbb 70 dah A.ni tidak,80 baru A.ssh tu !soalan pon naik gila je..adoii,Bersyukur la kawan2 ade monitor mcm aku..hahaha,

Now,i got my marks for 3 subject which are Kh,Sej and Sc..All of these subject,i got B..Yesss,B !Damn it..Im try to check my paper..Maybe got some mistake..Hahaha,so that,i can add my marks..Hahaha,im waiting for my BM,BI,Geo,Math,Agama paper which that i target all A.Serius ! i target 100% u know?Confident gila ni =) hahaha,

And more thing,aku nak share memory aku time amk periksa Sivik..hahaha,the best paper ! Sivik F3 consists of adat kaum,menteri-menteri dalam malaysia and all that..Ramai x baca buku,but is till want to read.hahaha,bodoh ! Seni pon aku baca tau..AH,mampus r nak kate aku skema ke x..

Then,ade soalan adat Melayu,Cina & India..Ha,macam biasalah..AKu tau adat mereka,tp x begitu mendalam.Begitu juga dgn kaum lain,x tau dgn cara hidup kaum melayu.Kan kan?Ni ha antara soalannye..

1-Org melayu lelaki dulu,siapa yg sunatkan
2-Bila org mati,kaum cina tidak boleh memakai pakaian yg ......
3-Org India akan pusing ......... selepas perkahwinan (lebih kurang camni r soalan dia,aku lupa)
4-Adat ....... perut sudah jarang diamalkan oleh kaum melayu
5-Ibu yang mengandung biasanya akan .... untuk tempoh tertentu

Cuba try korang jawab,boleh x?Aku rasa korang x leh jawab..Kalo boleh pon,korang akan sangkut punyalah..Tgk bape boleh jwb?aku pon kantoi..hehehe.Time periksa,cikgu Rohaiza masuk kelas kita org..Kita selamba je bincang each other,termasuk gak cikgu.Cikgu pon bg tau jawapnnya..hahaha,gila kan?Time ni,sblh aku Cina,arah barat laut India..So,aku tny r dia org.Dia org bg je jwpn..Thanks beb..Ok,korang mesti tertanya kan jwpnnye.ni ha aku gtau utk soalan atas tu..

1-Tok Mudin
3-Api (maybe)

As a conclusion,my trial has over..So,good luck for SPM Candidates who still sit the exam untill next week ( after holiday)..Hahaha,lambat gila en?Start sama,habis lambat..Adoii,mcm mana la hidup aku time f4,f5 nnti?

And of course for Form 3 student,good luck for ur result..Lawan sape straight A jom..Hahaha,aku mula2 dah kalah dah..Hahaha,x leh bla..This is my last paper u know?AFter this Gerak Gempur...After that,the real PMR ! Tak caya lak aku dah sampai ke tahap ni..Weii,aku dah besa..hahaha,lepas ni fokus SPM lak..Pastu smbg belajar..and then,kahwin pastu..keje ! Saat yg aku nanti nantikan.hahaha,


Melissa Heidi Merale said...

kimsalam kat ketty. :)

Ahmad Farith said...

kau salah post r..
ketty tu nama kuda..
part kuda kt post ats ni.
apsal sesat kt sini?

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