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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Contest of BRAND's High Achiever Award 2009

Before PMR examination,Kasturi was held 1 seminar to all PMR candidates that will sit for their exam..Brands is a product thats good for our brain..Kan kan ? ak mane tau sgt..Buka je pntp,terus telan ~

On the day when Seminar was held..Kasturi's stuff gave me the file..Inside that file,got booklet la and all lah en..Then,i was shocked when i saw there are a Brands stuff..Wow wow ! Brands wei brands ! brands datang Kasturi..Hati mula dup dap dup dap.. * Hahaha,tah pape la ayt aku ni *
Brands gave me timetable , contest's form , notebook and bookmark..Ni je ke ? aku rasa ade lagi..Tapi lupa dah..Haaa,forget it ! Then,they gave the product for free..Awww ! Thanks Brands..Brands is too expensive u know ? How come i can buy it in frequently ? Plus,taste dia kureng sikit.Mean,x sedap la ! Bangang ~
Arituh,borang tuh hilang..Tah mane ak campak..Mmg gelabah habis r..Carik sini,carik sana..X jmp..Then,ak give-up..Malas msk peraduan..
tah mcm mana,hati tergerak nk kemas file ak..File ak bersepah..Ada2 je kertas yg ak sumbat.PMR kan dah habis,so buang je la kertas2 periksa tuh..Haha,lepas ni kan nak focus SPM lak..Fuyohh,dah besar ?

Yeahh bebeh,Im lucky ! I found my form inside my file..Haha,x tepiki lak ak,ak cmpk kt file tuh..Immediately lah ak isi borang tuh..Takut lambat la pulak..Again,im lucky..Peraduan tu ttp 30 Oct.Now,its already 23 oct gituh.
Sumpah ak ckp r weii,time nak tulis tuh..Tangan ak menggeletar..Tau sbb apa ? Sbb dah lama x pgg pen..Haha,tula..Ak ni asyik dgn komp ni,mana x menggeltar ? Dpt komp,bkn main lincah tgn ak nih..hehe =()
As a conclusion,i have joined this contest..To my members who joined the Seminar ; Hafiz & Iqmal.Have u post this form ?

The Form
Bwh pntp tu kan ade ukur lilit je..So,kalo guna glue cecair,x kan lekat r..Cuba pikir,camne ak lekatkan penutup botol tuh ? Soalan nih ~

Bkn lah nak menunjuk yg ak ni pgws..Tp ak dah malas nk simpan gmb pgws passport ak..
Takkan lah nak buang je kan ?

Must enclose 4 cap as a evidence

If i win this contest,im gonna pose like them..Haha =)
See me in poster ..Pepps~

The letter


Stay Alert . Stay Ahead .


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